Project Proposal

I started working on junior bugs with the help of mentors. After my mentor got confidence over me and I got a little overview of the project, he asked me to started thinking of the project and to make a proposal.

So, we discussed what all to be done during these three months time and what all features need to be included. Our aim was to add statistically significant features to labplot. At that time labplot supported Regressions, Histogram Plots, Location Measures, Dispersion Measures and Shape Measures for statistical analysis but these features were not sufficient. They fail to answer some broad questions like, Is there any statistically significant difference between two or more groups? or What is the strength of the relationship between two variables and is this strength statistically significant to say that the two variables are correlated?.
The idea was to add more statistical relevant measures, which can answer the above-posed
questions. Along with adding these features, we planned on creating Statistical Report of some sort which would be self-sufficient to show all important graphs and summary using a single click. We also decided to add tips each value outputted by tests so that the user who doesn't have much knowledge of statistical analysis can also perform tests while the user who is just interested in numbers can get a distract free view.

You can view my full proposal here:

Thanks for your patience... :) 


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